Monday, March 27, 2017

Introducing a encoding method

A interesting method that may helpful to us.
This concept was entered to my mind on the year 2012.
I used this code for writing a name secretly that I liked so much.
This is the history of my code.
I named it  ATM law .

   So Introducing The ATM law.

We are very much familiar with keypad phones. In keypad phones the alphabets are arrange in a particular manner and it is same for all keypad phone .

My law follows the letter arrangement of this so we have 26 alphabets and 0-9 numbers.

So the arrangement are like this

When I type (A) on message I will press the button 2 for once.
 So the code for (A) is 12 (it means press button 2  for once).
Similarly (B) is 22 (press the button 2 twice )

Similarly (Z) is 49(press the button 9 for 4 times)

             When we arrange the codes for Alphabets


A=12     B=22   C=32

D=13     E=23   F=33

G=14     H=24   I=34

J=15      K=25   L=35

M=16    N=26   O=36

P=17     Q=27    R=37   S=47  (NO. 7 HAS FOUR ALPHABETS)

T=18     U=28    V=38

W=19    X=29    Y=39   Z=49  (NO. 9 HAS FOUR ALPHABETS)

ASHUTOSH MAHAPATRA = 12472428183647240161224121712183712 
I AM A GOOD BOY = 34012160120143636130223639 

 Thank you...


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