Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Converting Man Power To Horse Power

                  Converting MAN power to HORSE powe

Hello friends.

 Today i am going to discuss a important topic that based on the Energy .

The topic is conversion of man power to mechanical power(horse power ). We do so many work and produce mechanical energy,  but at GYM we give our so much effort for making our body fitness. It is right but at the GYM we unnecessarily waste our energy by pushing & pulling weights.If we are asked to do some manual work we are hesitated to do ( for example we never choose to travel by cycle but at GYM we cycle multiples of kilometer,lifting of water by hands we never prefer but we can lift number of pounds of weight  .)

If we covert that energy for useful work it will be a great success to us.  it will be a technical improvement & simultaneously it will give pleasure to us. It will become like a game where the score is the amount of work we do.

*By using this energy we can make the water lifting system, electrical energy production & etc.

                                           Thank you.


Bomb !! Normally we understand the chemical Explosion within a compressed space. The effect of the Explosion brings a lot of crisis of Life and Wealth. Similarly Bio-bomb also create the Disease which is a painful scenario of the world.Now a days the Countries are working on the projects of Explosions  .
In my opinion it is not the solution of the problems. The Behaviour of a man controlled by the brain of that man. All of our Emotions are triggered by certain action of the hormones in brain . The brain is the part of the body which felt all of these.

If I am angry, then there is not any Physical Existence of anger, it is just a action of hormones. It just a virtual state. Our all the actions are similar to this. 

Think !! Due to emotion hampering all the disturbance of life occurs, it may be a family fight or World War. If we can be able to change the emotion of the person who is in crucial state of destruction , then the result of the problem may differ with a large difference. May be the person can feel like a normal man and the emotion hampering can be omitted .

For the example:-When we inhales Nitrogen Oxide we exhibit a reaction of laughing.Which we artificially trigger the action of laughing.

This is the concept of the NOBLE BOMB. In war we can use the weapon and can save lots of life.
The Bomb can artificially triggered the emotion of the soldiers and the mind state can change to peace.


Monday, July 22, 2019

Current , Heat & Resistance

Well we are very much familiar with current, voltage and their interrelation.

I was experimenting with a dc motor and power supply. I connected it through a speed controller. I tested at variable speeds and observe the wire. When i run it at full speed the wire gradually got heated.
This made me think about several possibilities like: Why the same wire is heated when the motor attains it's full speed? And linked all the possible angles. I conclude that the reason is current. When we switch it to full speed the load draws high amount of current but the wire does not support the current value. So the I2R loss produce the heat.

Basically in a conductor the current which is flowing through is only due to the free electrons. The resistance of the wire is depending upon the amount of free electrons. If the free electrons are less the resistance is high. And if the free electron is more the resistance is low.

Then what is free electrons?
Free electrons are the electrons cloud which is placed at the outer side of an atom. The electrons are distributed in the orbits revolves around the nucleus. The attraction force near the nucleus is more and is decreases towards outermost. “The free electrons are placed at the extreme position of the atom which has less attraction force by the nucleus and they can move with less amount of force. Free electrons are moving randomly, when a potential difference is applied they arrange in a particular manner and completes the path. They only transfer the energy.

Cause of Heating: -
According to “BOHR” the electrons are distributed in different energy levels, when an electron gets energies it jumps to the higher orbit. When we increase the amount of current for a particular conductor, the free electron cloud is insufficient to transfer the energy, so that the inner orbital electrons are absorbers the energy and excited to the free electron cloud. This process is a continuous attraction and repulsion between nucleus and energized electron this effect produces the heat. When further we increasing the current the material became fused and lost its property. So this maybe the possible reason of heating.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

DTMF Based Stator Operation

DTMF (dual tone multiple frequency ) is a cheap transmission channel for long distance communication.
It is basically a user friendly technology, it can easily operate by a non technical person.

Why it is needed ?
We know the problem in stator based operation is , when the power supply is shut down it resets and we have to again switch on the stator.In irrigation system the Problem is arising several times and the main problem is the field placed far from the home, we have to switch on the device when the power is shutdown.

Basically a contactor is a 220v powerd coil which is triggered by the input pulse through the start switch. After that the switch is latched.
The stator is the setup for 1phase motor.The Stop switch is a NC(Normally Close) switch and Start switch is a NO(Normally Open) switch.

The Modification Needed For DTMF module

The Block Diagram:-

The data obtained from DTMF module:-


The DTMF module is continuously on, so that the life time may be decreased.

Need batteries for uninterruptible power supply for Relay module & DTMF module.

Need of a Mobile phone or GSM module.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Hybrid Switching

Hybrid Switching is a Technology through which we can switch the loads (Light,Fan,Airconditionor etc) by manually and remotely within a single setup. 

The important role of this switching is to fulfil the lacks of today’s automation trending.

Ø  Basically in Home automation technology or IoT based technology, we switch the loads by the help of internet and the lack in this technology is if the device is not connected through internet then the system will not work. And the use is not friendly to all user as all the people are not sound to access technology they need their traditional technology.
Ø  Another demerit is the IoT enabled device work with voice command which is English enabled and all are not good to deliver the command.
Ø  In IoT enabled technology the manual mode is disabled.

Basic Parts of the system

q  Power Supply
q  Driver Module
q  Triggering Module
q  Manual switch Module
q  Remote Switch Module
q  Load

Power Supply
Power supply is the central part of the system. The power supply consists of two segment online power supply and backup power supply.
Backup power supply is a battery powered source which give backup when the online power is interrupt.  

Online power supply is transformer power supply which have a rectifier circuit, filter & voltage regulator circuit. It gives the constant DC supply when the main supply is present & simultaneously charge the battery backup.

Backup battery gives the supply when the online supply is absent. It is a rechargeable battery source which is recharge when the level of charge is low. And discharges when the online source is absent. This setup is meant for uninterrupted power supply.

Driver Module
Driver module consisting of Relay setup which switch the load when the triggering signal is applied to the relay coil.
The load is connected to the NO (normally Open) terminal of the relay and the main line connected to the common.
When the triggering pulse is applied to the Relay it switches from NC to NO.

Triggering Module
Triggering Module is the central part of the system this is the gateway where the input signal is amplified and then feed to the relay Module.
This part contains Thyristor setup which works like latch switch. Once the Thyristor is triggered it gives the continuous flow of supply until any interrupted is occurred. When an interrupted signal is feed to the thyristor it resets and stops the power flow.
For occurred the process we use an alternate switching signal, means the polarity of signal alternate. And to achieve the goal we use a DPDT switch for manual operation and BT module for remote Operation.

Manual Switching Module
Manual switching is the process in which we give the triggering pulses to the triggering module by manually pressing the switch.
Basically we use the DPDT (Double Pole Double Throw) switch which change its polarity of triggering.

Remote Switching Module
Remote Switching is done wirelessly through Mobile phone. when we give the trigger signal through mobile App it sends the data by Bluetooth Channel and Arduino process the data and trigger accordingly to the triggering module.
Bluetooth is a short range communication module but we choose this because of multiple user facilities. Means specific authentication is not need to connect. Anyone can connect to the module when the module is not connecting to any user.
  • We can use any wireless module for load switching remotely.

This is the Technology towards Automation Mechanism. It Gives Dual mode operation of Load Switching. This is Reliable, as it has Manual switching, so there is a backup mode if remote switching is Failure.

*      In remote module I use the Bluetooth channel because it is easy to operate, no internet is required.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Introducing a encoding method

A interesting method that may helpful to us.
This concept was entered to my mind on the year 2012.
I used this code for writing a name secretly that I liked so much.
This is the history of my code.
I named it  ATM law .

   So Introducing The ATM law.

We are very much familiar with keypad phones. In keypad phones the alphabets are arrange in a particular manner and it is same for all keypad phone .

My law follows the letter arrangement of this so we have 26 alphabets and 0-9 numbers.

So the arrangement are like this

When I type (A) on message I will press the button 2 for once.
 So the code for (A) is 12 (it means press button 2  for once).
Similarly (B) is 22 (press the button 2 twice )

Similarly (Z) is 49(press the button 9 for 4 times)

             When we arrange the codes for Alphabets


A=12     B=22   C=32

D=13     E=23   F=33

G=14     H=24   I=34

J=15      K=25   L=35

M=16    N=26   O=36

P=17     Q=27    R=37   S=47  (NO. 7 HAS FOUR ALPHABETS)

T=18     U=28    V=38

W=19    X=29    Y=39   Z=49  (NO. 9 HAS FOUR ALPHABETS)

ASHUTOSH MAHAPATRA = 12472428183647240161224121712183712 
I AM A GOOD BOY = 34012160120143636130223639 

 Thank you...