Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Converting Man Power To Horse Power

                  Converting MAN power to HORSE powe

Hello friends.

 Today i am going to discuss a important topic that based on the Energy .

The topic is conversion of man power to mechanical power(horse power ). We do so many work and produce mechanical energy,  but at GYM we give our so much effort for making our body fitness. It is right but at the GYM we unnecessarily waste our energy by pushing & pulling weights.If we are asked to do some manual work we are hesitated to do ( for example we never choose to travel by cycle but at GYM we cycle multiples of kilometer,lifting of water by hands we never prefer but we can lift number of pounds of weight  .)

If we covert that energy for useful work it will be a great success to us.  it will be a technical improvement & simultaneously it will give pleasure to us. It will become like a game where the score is the amount of work we do.

*By using this energy we can make the water lifting system, electrical energy production & etc.

                                           Thank you.


Bomb !! Normally we understand the chemical Explosion within a compressed space. The effect of the Explosion brings a lot of crisis of Life and Wealth. Similarly Bio-bomb also create the Disease which is a painful scenario of the world.Now a days the Countries are working on the projects of Explosions  .
In my opinion it is not the solution of the problems. The Behaviour of a man controlled by the brain of that man. All of our Emotions are triggered by certain action of the hormones in brain . The brain is the part of the body which felt all of these.

If I am angry, then there is not any Physical Existence of anger, it is just a action of hormones. It just a virtual state. Our all the actions are similar to this. 

Think !! Due to emotion hampering all the disturbance of life occurs, it may be a family fight or World War. If we can be able to change the emotion of the person who is in crucial state of destruction , then the result of the problem may differ with a large difference. May be the person can feel like a normal man and the emotion hampering can be omitted .

For the example:-When we inhales Nitrogen Oxide we exhibit a reaction of laughing.Which we artificially trigger the action of laughing.

This is the concept of the NOBLE BOMB. In war we can use the weapon and can save lots of life.
The Bomb can artificially triggered the emotion of the soldiers and the mind state can change to peace.